Integral Privacy Policy

Welcome to the Integral Privacy Policy for Prospects, Clients and Users of Social Networks (Instagram and Facebook of PERFECT BEAUTY) and the website:

This document provides information about the use of your personal data when you acquire services, when you request commercial information, when you subscribe to our periodic communications, or when you browse any of the Social Networks and the website indicated in the previous paragraph.

EIn this vein of ideas and in compliance with the provisions of the Federal Law on the Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties (hereinafter, the Law), its Regulations and other applicable regulations on the matter, we make available to you in this Privacy Notice, the existence and main characteristics of the treatment to which your personal data will be subjected, so that you can exercise your rights to informational self-determination, privacy and protection of personal data.

Identity and address of the Controller


known commercially as “PERFECT BEAUTY”, is the controller of your personal data, with address at Calle Aniceto Ortega number 656, Colonia del Valle, Alcaldía Benito Juárez Postal Code 03100, in Mexico, Mexico City.

Personal Data collected by the Controller

In order to fulfill the purposes described below, PERFECT BEAUTY collects the categories of personal data listed below:

1.      Identification Data;

2.     Contact Data

3.    Browsing and device data, such as IP address, geographic location, browser type, system type, content and pages visited.

We may collect these categories of personal data directly or indirectly; Therefore, our Privacy Notice will always be available for you to consult, at any time you require or request it.

Do we process sensitive personal data?In order to comply with the purposes described in this Notice, we inform you that PERFECT BEAUTY does not process or request sensitive personal data.
Do we process data from third parties or minors?

If you provide identification and contact data of third parties for customer service or commercial information purposes, you must inform them about the existence of the processing of their personal data and the content of this Privacy Notice.

When you provide personal data of third parties, you declare with your delivery that you have the consent of its owners to provide their information to PERFECT BEAUTY.

For the purposes established in this Privacy Notice, PERFECT BEAUTY does not request personal data from minors through forms or questionnaires. If, despite the above, you provide personal data of minors, or they provide it directly to PERFECT BEAUTY, we will understand that their parents or guardians have consented to the delivery of said data.

Parents and guardians may exercise their ARCO rights at any time or revoke consent for the processing of personal data of minors that they have provided to PERFECT BEAUTY, in those cases where current legislation allows it.

We process personal data for two types of purposes: primary and secondary.

Purposes of the processing of your personal data

PERFECT BEAUTY will process your personal data for the following PRIMARY PURPOSES:

1.    To offer you the products and services that we make available to you through our social networks and website.

2.    Contact you to provide you with information about the services and products that we make available to you, when you request it on our website, by telephone, email, or through instant text messaging.

3.    Follow up on complaints, suggestions, reports, questions and/or clarifications.

4.    Manage your corresponding registration in our communication channels such as newsletters or blogs and, inform you, the publication of new content in said channels.

5.    Control and administration over the registration and management of our relationship with clients.

6.     If applicable, data analysis through the use of analytics, artificial intelligence and/or big data technologies, in order to evaluate the use of our online services, improve their performance and/or correct errors.

7.     To comply with judicial or administrative obligations and requirements, including the delivery of information on fraud or identity theft.

8.     Archive of information on the use of our services for compliance with applicable legal provisions, including the defense of the interests of PERFECT BEAUTY before judicial or administrative bodies.

Additionally, if you have not expressed your opposition, PERFECT BEAUTY may process your personal data for the following


1.     Sending commercial, advertising, promotional and informative communications, as well as personalized offers based on your interests and consumer history, related to the services and products marketed by PERFECT BEAUTY, or brands of our business partners. Such communications include the sending of emails, SMS, phone calls, and other forms of electronic or postal communication.

2.     Conducting satisfaction surveys, consumer habits and/or studies to improve our services.

3.     Sending invitations to events, fairs, exhibitions, presentations, contests, training, promotions or other types of activities organized or sponsored by PERFECT BEAUTY.

4.     Generating user profiles, through the use of analytical technology or big data.

If you change your mind, you may object to the processing of your personal data for the secondary purposes indicated above, and you may even revoke your consent for such purposes. In such cases, you may communicate your decision through the procedure provided in the section “ARCO Rights and/or Revocation of Consent for the Processing of Personal Data” of this Privacy Policy.

With whom can we share your personal data?

PERFECT BEAUTY may share your information (carry out transfers of personal data), both within and outside of Mexico, in the following cases and for the purposes indicated:

a.     To our parent company, affiliated companies or subsidiaries of PERFECT BEAUTY, for the purposes of centralized information storage or archiving of information on the use of our services.

b.     Judicial or administrative authorities, for compliance with legal information obligations or information requests duly founded and motivated in the applicable regulations.

The Law establishes that the transfers of personal data indicated above do not require your consent in order to be carried out, but we are obliged to inform you about them.

Any transfer of your personal data that does require your consent to be carried out will be previously informed, through the corresponding communication and the update to this Privacy Notice.

ARCO Rights and/or Revocation of Consent for the processing of personal data

In all legally applicable cases, you or your legal representative may exercise any of the Rights of Access, Rectification, Cancellation and Opposition (hereinafter, ARCO Rights), as well as to Revoke your Consent for the processing or transfer of your personal data, so at any time you may send a request to our Personal Data Protection Department through the following email: ***********************.

We remind you that ARCO Rights and/or Revocation of Consent can only be exercised by the holder or his/her legal representative after proving his/her identity, which is why the request you send us must be accompanied by the digitalization of some official identification, such as one of the following: INE, Passport or Immigration Document that verifies the legal stay of the foreigner in the country.

Likewise, we inform you that in order for your request to proceed, it is essential to complete all the information listed below, which will be used to prove your identity:

  • HOLDER DATA: Full name, telephone number and email (where the response to your request will be communicated).
  • REPRESENTATIVE INFORMATION (ONLY IF APPLICABLE): Full name. If you are the legal representative of the holder, you must accompany your writing with the corresponding original public instrument, or, where appropriate, a power of attorney signed before two witnesses.
  • ARCO RIGHTS: Indicate the right(s) you wish to exercise: Access, Rectification, Cancellation and/or Opposition. Likewise, a description of the personal data regarding which you seek to exercise the right(s) indicated above and/or any other comment that will help us better address your request must be made.
  • OTHER REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION: Please include the documentation that you consider to support your request and help us process it appropriately. In particular, in the request for Rectification of personal data (incorrect data, correct data and document that accredits your information).

In the event that the information provided in your request is incorrect or insufficient, or the corresponding accreditation documents are not attached, the PERFECT BEAUTY Personal Data Protection Department, within five (5) business days following receipt of the request, may require you to provide the elements or documents necessary to process it. You will have ten (10) business days to respond to the request, counted from the day after you received it. If you do not respond within this period, the corresponding request will be deemed not to have been submitted.

PERFECT BEAUTY’s Personal Data Protection Department will inform you of the decision taken within a maximum period of twenty (20) business days from the date the request was received, so that, if appropriate, it can be made effective within fifteen (15) business days after the response is communicated. The response will be provided electronically to the email address specified in your request.

If you revoke your consent and such revocation is appropriate, PERFECT BEAUTY will stop processing your personal data for the purposes indicated in this Notice.

Regarding requests to exercise the right of Cancellation, it is important to note that it is not absolute, please take into account that we must store information that allows us to comply with legal obligations. In this case, your personal data will remain blocked and will only be disclosed at the request of competent authorities when there is a duly founded and motivated requirement.

Means to limit the use or disclosure of your data

You may limit the use or disclosure of your personal data by sending the corresponding request to our Personal Data Protection Department through the following email: ***********************. The requirements to prove your identity, as well as the procedure to handle your request will be the same as those indicated for the exercise of ARCO Rights.

PERFECT BEAUTY has means and procedures to ensure the inclusion of some of your data in its own exclusion lists, when you expressly request your inclusion in them. PERFECT BEAUTY will provide the holders who request their registration, the corresponding registration certificate.

We inform you that there are other mechanisms to limit the use and disclosure of your personal data, through your registration in the Public Registry of Users, which is managed by the National Commission for the Protection and Defense of Users of Financial Services (CONDUSEF). For more information on the aforementioned registry, you can consult the CONDUSEF REUS website (

Additionally, we inform you that there is a Public Registry to Avoid Advertising, which is managed by the Federal Consumer Protection Agency (PROFECO), in order to ensure that your data is not used to receive advertising or promotions for goods or services. For more information about this registry, you can consult the PROFECO Internet portal (, or contact the aforementioned agency directly by calling 800-962-8000.

Use of Cookies

On our website ( we use cookies and other means that allow us to collect information when you visit us and browse through it.

The cookies used by PERFECT BEAUTY allow us to collect, analyze and retain electronic information related to your browsing habits and the use of our communication channels and forms for online purchases. Cookies allow us to collect information automatically, at the very moment the user uses the website and our online services.

For more detailed information about cookies and how you can disable them depending on your browser and operating system, we recommend that you visit the site ****************, which explains step by step how to disable them.

Authority on Personal Data Protection

You should know that, if you disable cookies or prevent their installation, you may not be able to fully or correctly use some functions of our website:

If you consider it necessary, we inform you that you have the right to go to the National Institute of Transparency, Access to Information and Protection of Personal Data (INAI), to assert any disagreement related to your Right to the Protection of Personal Data.

Contact for questions or clarificationsOur Personal Data Protection Department is at your service to provide you with any additional information you may require or, where appropriate, to resolve any questions you may have regarding privacy and personal data protection, for which you may contact us via email: ***********************.
Modifications and updates

This Privacy Notice may be subject to modifications, changes or updates derived from new legal requirements; our own needs for the services we offer; our privacy practices; changes in our business model, so PERFECT BEAUTY undertakes to keep you informed about any changes that may occur in this Privacy Notice.

You may request this document at any time from the PERFECT BEAUTY Personal Data Protection Department at the following email address:

************************, or you may consult its publication in the “Privacy Policy” section, which will be available on the website:






Calle Aniceto Ortega número 656, Colonia del Valle,

Alcaldía Benito Juárez Postal Code 03100, in Mexico, Mexico City.

Last updated: August 16, 2021